Removing info from Google search results.


RMS Regular
Hope this is the right forum.

So long story short, my mum gets apprenticeship applications every year for a budding electrician. For some reason an electrical company is showing her address when you Google it.
Randomly I used to work with the guy who owns the "company" (he lives in the same street) but he hasn't used the company in years and years, and even when he did is was only for a while. Its just his initials from when he went self employed after working with my place for years. He doesn't even do electrical anymore, he works in Tesco šŸ¤£

I assume young fellas are just googling "electrical places near me" and this keeps coming up in the search (but my mums address with a pic of her house on maps street view)

I've suggested an edit on Google a few times but it never changes. Anyone any idea on how to get it removed?
Tried going through some reporting thing there but it all got a bit "remove illicit images" etc so there was nothing for me to select that wasn't criminal.


RMS Regular
Ridiculously easy. As we're in Europe we have the right to be forgotten thing with Google for outdated info.

Asks for urls which contain the info, and you can specify what specfic Google word searches bring up the results too. Drop in a line about Article 8 of EHRA aswell regarding Right to Privacy and Family Life in your reasoning.

It's a quick webform to fill in and you can do it on someone else's behalf
