Non fault accident


RMS Regular
BMW M3 bmw M240i
Hi everyone need a bit of advice here,my mum was in a non fault accident back in may.The guy shot out of a road not paying attention and ran the side of her car as she drove mum lost control and the car ended up in its roof.The insurance has been settled,the driver admitted liability and stuff.
a friend of the family who is a barrister put us in touch with a solicitor they recommended.He contacted us,and asked questions and said he was going on holiday.he said he will phone after the 12th/13th.We never heard nothing and we tried to contact him with no joy.left a message and hasn’t bothered to call back.I get the impression he’s not interested?


RMS Regular
Co Armagh
Model Y / M3
Thread bump.

My wife was crashed into last night, young girl pulled out of a side road & hit the wife's car side on.

There is damage to both passenger side doors, crumple damage where the passenger rear sill where it meets the rear quarter panel, rear passenger wheel is sitting off, humming coming from the back end and a knocking from underneath.

The car is going to Wrights in Dromore for assessment but we are wary about taking it back even after being well fixed if that is the case, as its the main family transport.

Does anyone know if we can insist on the below:

Only brand new OEM replacement parts being used - IE 2 new doors / new sill - no fillers in either

What sort of value does the repair need to be before we can refuse to take the car back/its written off whether CAT N / S etc?

Also, I'd just taxed it & its due for MOT on the 24th - should I cancel the tax again, it's obviously not going to make the MOT date either. (adding insult to injury I'd just filled it with fuel the day before!)